Amazing volunteer turnout for Trail Maintenance at Comite yesterday! As a result, the trail is now clear of the ton of trees, branches and storm debris. Thanks to Clay Robinson for coming out to cook, finding out the electricity was out, going back home to cook and bringing everything back out to feed the crew; it was a very appreciated lunch! Thanks to the following folks who traded their cushy morning to open the trails back up for all of us! Next work day is scheduled June 15; come lend a hand!
Chris Pennington wilth BREC
Barry Anselmo
Pat Brewer
Jennifer Bush
Matthew Coffin
Abram Coffin
Robin Gibb Diamond
Dan Doran
Rubén Morales Forte
Jason Frazier
Michael Graham
Whitney Harris
Brian Hoover
Jude Matherne
Clay-Rebecca Robinson
Bob Tassin
Troy Tynes
Brad Way
Bob Walker
Georgia Wilemon