Yesterday’s Trail Maintenance Day was a productive one! Despite being pretty wet and sloppy overall and having a relatively small group of volunteers, we were able to fix the Bridge before the wall on the main trail, remove tree blockage, cut back the ever persistent thorny vegetation, drain wet areas, remedy smaller erosion problems and blow off leaves. We enjoyed a very satisfactory and hearty lunch of chilli dogs afterward thanks to stand-in chef, Bob Walker.
Thanks to the volunteers below who gave up their morning to be lightly rained on in fairly cool temps, the trail is in great shape for when it dries out. Also thanks to whomever righted the grating bridge during the week!
Bob Walker
Cline Henagan
Cody Bush
Barry Anselmo
Troy Tynes
Rubén Morales Forte
Georgia Wilemon
And Chris Pennington with BREC
Next scheduled Trail Maintenance Day is March 11, location TBD.
Have a fun and safe Mardi Gras!