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Last week we had some pretty great news in that 2 of the low-lifes breaking into cars were arrested. This week we’ve learned one made bail and just this past weekend someone stole the water fountain that was back by the bathrooms. So please don’t get comfortable just yet. Please keep your belongings out of sight. BRAMBA has been asking BREC (for sometime now) for security cameras. We are still being told “It is on the list”...and not likely to happen in 2020. However, BREC’s Conservation and Trail manager has been approved to get a staff person out there as a parking lot monitor for the busy times, but realize that is not a viable long term solution.

If people can make requests for security cameras via the trail maintenance form he will compile them and attempt to push it up the ladder to the decision makers regarding facility improvements. Once a staff member has been lined up, he will post letting people know what those staffed hours will be.

Log onto and click on Trail Conditions/ Issues to post your request for better security. Thanks!

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